Section 1 English-Chinese Translation
In times of stress, like living through a global pandemic, it’s natural to fall back on soothing habits---gardening, playing video games or lighting up a cigarette.
But what are the risks, given that the novel coronavirus at the center of the current crisis attacks the lungs? The science is in its early stages, but studies are finding that cigarette smokers are more likely to have severe infections. There is data to show that if you are a smoker, you’re more likely to have adverse outcomes from COVID-19, need mechanical ventilation and die than if you’re not a smoker. Smoking damages the lungs’ defense mechanisms, making it harder to fight off COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases.
What does science say? Early data was conflicting. Some reports indicated that smoking was not associated with increased advers outcomes and that smokers were underrepresented in hospital settings, leading some to claim that smokers might even have immunity to the virus. But specialists dismissed the claims as "really fringe stuff". One study found that of those who died of COVID-19, 9 percent were current smokers, compared with 4 percent of those that survived. Smoking, for one thing, inhibits blood cells that would otherwise clean and repair damaged lungs.
What about e-cigarettes? Less is known about how coronavirus patients who use e-cigarettes products are faring, but several doctors suspect their trajectory will mirror that of cigarette smokers. Smoking e-cigarettes has all the same adverse effects as smoking ordinary cigarettes does. Smoking anything can irritate the lining of your lungs. If you irritate the lining of your lungs, you set yourself up for trouble, because the disease kills people by attacking the lungs.
What about secondhand smoke? Smokers do not expel more of a respiratory virus than non-smokers, although they do cough more. The smoke itself doesn’t seem to increase the amount of virus that gets in the air. However, to the extent that the virus is carried in tiny aerosol particles that stay in the air, one of the possible means of transmission, the smoke shows where those particles are located. One study showed that people who had been exposed to second hand smoke were more likely to contract tuberculosis and, once they got it, didn’t do as well as those who weren’t exposed to smoke. In terms of these immune-suppressive effects, as it relates to tuberculosis, secondhand smoke has adverse effects.
Each virus has its unique pattern of dispersion, and scientists are starting to get a handle on how the novel coronavirus behaves. This understanding is making it possible to rank the risks of different activities from high to low to trivial.
The two drivers of the spread of the disease are close contact and crowding in closed spaces, as the virus is mainly transmitted through respiratory droplets and close contact. It spreads through homeless shelter and nursing homes, where people are crowded in with many others. And it spreads through people's households. Scientists have found some trends. For example, spending time dining together or being on public transport might increase the risk of spreading or contracting the disease, while going to a market briefly for five minutes or a transient encounter while you walk or run past someone is considered low risk.
The studies were all done through contact tracing, which may turn out to be humanity's greatest strategy for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Contact tracing can stop chains of transmission, even after a disease is widespread. Another major benefit is that it offers clues as to how the disease spreads. Each virus has its unique pattern.
1. (In times of stress), (like living through a global pandemic), it’s natural to fall back on (soothing) habits---(gardening, playing video games or lighting up a cigarette).
soothing [ˈsuːðɪŋ] adj. 安慰的,使人平静的
to fall back这个动作的发出者需要增译出来“我们很容易借助一些习惯聊以慰藉”
2. But what are the risks, 【given that the novel coronavirus (at the center of the current crisis) attacks the lungs】?
novel coronavirus 新型冠状病毒
given that the novel coronavirus attacks the lungs为状语,在这里可以采用前置法,放在整句之前,译为“我们已经知道当下备受瞩目的新冠病毒会损伤我们的肺部”。
at the center of the current crisis为定语,修饰coronavirus。比较简单,翻译的时候可以采用前置法,放在the novel coronavirus之前,译为“备受瞩目的新冠病毒”。
3. The science is in its early stages, but studies are finding 【that cigarette smokers are (more) likely to have severe infections】.
science [ˈsaɪəns] n. 科学研究
are more likely to=概率更高=更容易......
4. There is data (to show 【that 【if you are a smoker】, you’re more likely to have adverse outcomes (from COVID-19), need mechanical ventilation and die (than 【if you’re not a smoker】)).
adverse [ədˈvɜːrs] adj. 不利的,有害的
5. Smoking damages the (lungs’) defense mechanisms, (making it harder) (to fight off COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases).
respiratory [ˈrespərətɔːri] adj. 呼吸的
making it harder to fight off COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases为状语,可以采用后置法独立成句。可译为“这会导致肺部更难抵抗新冠肺炎和其他呼吸道疾病。”
6. What does science say? Early data was conflicting.
7. (Some) reports indicated 【that smoking was not associated with increased adverse outcomes】 and 【that smokers were underrepresented in hospital settings】, (leading some to claim 【that smokers might even have immunity to the virus】).
underrepresented [ˌʌndərˌreprɪˈzentɪd] adj. 代表名额不足的;未被充分代表的
setting [ˈsetɪŋ] n. (某事发生的)环境,场合
immunity [ɪˈmjuːnəti] n. 免疫力
leading some to claim that ...“这也导致一些研究人员认为”。
8. But specialists dismissed the claims (as "really fringe stuff").
dismiss [dɪsˈmɪs] v. 驳回
fringe [frɪndʒ] adj. 次要的,非主流的;在这里可以理解为“离谱的”
stuff [stʌf] n. 东西
as "really fringe stuff"为状语,可以采用后置法,即“他们认为这样的观点非常离谱”。
9. One study found 【that (of those 【who died of COVID-19】), 9 percent were current smokers, (compared with 4 percent (of those 【that survived】))】.
compared with 4 percent of those that survived为状语,可以采用后置法进行翻译,即“而相较之下,新冠幸存者中只有4%是吸烟者”。
4 percent=4 percent (were current smokers)
10. Smoking, (for one thing), inhibits blood cells 【that would otherwise clean and repair damaged lungs】.
inhibit [ɪnˈhɪbɪt] v. 抑制,约束
that would otherwise clean and repair damaged lungs,其中的would要翻译出“本来是可以”的含义。
11. What about e-cigarettes? Less is known (about 【how coronavirus patients 【who use e-cigarettes products】 are faring), but (several) doctors suspect 【their trajectory will mirror that of cigarette smokers】.
e-cigarette [ˈiː sɪɡəret] n. 电子烟
faring [fer] v. 进展,表现
trajectory [trəˈdʒektəri] n. 轨道,轨迹
mirror [ˈmɪrər] v. 反映;与……十分相似
Less is known=很少被知道=我们得到的信息较少。
who use e-cigarettes products为定语从句,比较简单,可以采用前置法进行翻译,即“吸电子烟的新冠病毒感染者”。
their指代的是“coronavirus patients”。
12. Smoking e-cigarettes has (all the same) (adverse) effects 【as smoking ordinary cigarettes does】.
l 前置法
as smoking ordinary cigarettes does为状语,可以采用前置法进行翻译。
13. Smoking anything can irritate the lining (of your lungs).
irritate [ˈɪrɪteɪt] v. 刺激;引起
lining [ˈlaɪnɪŋ] n. (身体器官内壁的)膜
l 词的选择
l 增译
14. 【If you irritate the lining of your lungs】, you set yourself up (for trouble), 【because the disease kills people (by attacking the lungs)】.
l 固定搭配
set someone up for something指的是“安排某人做某事”。
15. What about secondhand smoke? Smokers do not expel more of a respiratory virus (than non-smokers), 【although they do cough more】.
expel [ɪkˈspel] v. 排出(空气、水、气体等)
respiratory [ˈrespərətɔːri] adj. 呼吸的
than non-smokers为状语,可以采用前置法,即“相较那些不吸烟的人而言,...”
16. The smoke (itself) doesn’t seem to increase the amount (of virus) 【that gets in the air】.
l 前置法
of virus和that gets in the air均为定语,比较简单,可以采用前置法进行翻译,即“空气中病毒的数量”。
17. (However), (to the extent) 【that the virus is carried in tiny aerosol particles 【that stay in the air】】, (one of the possible means of transmission), the smoke shows 【where those particles are located】.
aerosol [ ˈerəsɑːl ] n. [物化] 气溶胶;气雾剂adj.喷雾的
particle [ ˈpɑːrtɪk(ə)l ] n.微粒;极少量;粒子
the virus is carried in tiny aerosol particles=病毒通过微小的气溶胶颗粒传播=tiny aerosol particles carry virus=微型气溶胶粒子可以携带新冠病毒。
18. One study showed 【that people 【who had been exposed to second hand smoke】 were more likely to contract tuberculosis and, once they got it, didn’t do as well as those 【who weren’t exposed to smoke】】.
tuberculosis [tuːˌbɜːrkjəˈloʊsɪs] n. 结核病(尤指肺结核)
who had been exposed to second hand smoke为定语从句,修饰people,可以采用前置法进行翻译,即“吸入二手烟的人”。
who weren’t exposed to smoke为定语从句,修饰those,可以采用前置法进行翻译,即“没有吸入二手烟的病人”。
19. (In terms of these immune-suppressive effects), 【as it relates to tuberculosis】, secondhand smoke has adverse effects.
In terms of指的是“就…而言;在…方面”。
20. (Each) virus has (its) (unique) pattern (of dispersion), and scientists are starting to get a handle (on 【how the novel coronavirus behaves】).
dispersion [dɪˈspɜːrʒn] n. 传播,散布
21. (This) understanding is making it possible to rank the risks (of different activities) (from high to low to trivial).
rank [ræŋk] v. 排列,使排成行
trivial [ˈtrɪviəl] adj. 不重要的;容易解决的
this understanding=scientists are starting to get a handle on how the novel coronavirus behaves=对新冠病毒传播方式的了解
from high to low to trivial可以采用后置法进行翻译,即:高风险、低风险、微小风险。
22. The (two) drivers (of the spread) (of the disease) are close contact and crowding (in closed spaces), 【as the virus is mainly transmitted (through respiratory droplets and close contact)】.
respiratory [ˈrespərətɔːri] adj. 呼吸的
droplets n. 飞沫
drivers (of the spread) (of the disease)后置定语比较简单,可以采用前置法翻译,即“病毒传播的影响因素”。
through respiratory droplets and close contact为状语,可以采用前置法翻译,即“通过呼吸道飞沫和密切接触...”。
23. It spreads (through homeless shelter and nursing homes), 【where people are crowded in with many others】.
homeless shelter 收容所
nursing homes 养老院;疗养院
l 逻辑调节顺序&增译逻辑连接词
①It spreads指的是“病毒传播”。
②through homeless shelter and nursing homes指的是“通过收容所和疗养院”。
③where people are crowded in with many others指的是“人们和许多人挤在一起”。
24. And it spreads (through people's households).
household [ˈhaʊshoʊld] n. 家庭
25. Scientists have found (some) trends.
26. (For example), spending time dining together or being on public transport might increase the risk (of spreading or contracting the disease), 【while going to a market briefly for five minutes or a transient encounter 【while you walk or run past someone】 is considered low risk】.
briefly [ˈbriːfli] adv. 短暂地
transient [ˈtrænʃ(ə)nt] adj. 转瞬即逝的,短暂的
encounter [ɪnˈkaʊntər] n. 偶遇,邂逅
of spreading or contracting the disease后置定语,修饰risk,可以采用前置法进行翻译,即“传播或感染新冠的风险”。
while you walk or run past someone,可以采用前置法进行翻译,即“在走路或跑步时...”。
27. The studies were (all) done (through contact tracing), 【which may turn out to be humanity's greatest strategy (for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic)】.
which指代的是前面的contact tracing。
29. Contact tracing can stop chains (of transmission), 【even after a disease is widespread】.
30. (Another major) benefit is 【that it offers clues as to 【how the disease spreads】】.
句子主干:benefit is 【that...】.
修饰成分:【how the disease spreads】为名词性从句。
31. Each virus has its unique pattern.
pattern这里是“传播模式”代指上文中的“how the disease spreads”
Section 2 Chinese-English Translation
随着经济社会发展和物质消费水平大幅提高,我国生活垃圾产生量迅速增长,环境隐患日益突出,已经成为新型城镇化发展的制约因素。实施生活垃圾分类(garbage sorting),可以有效改善城乡环境。促进资源回收利用,提高城镇化质量。
1. (随着(经济社会)发展和(物质消费水平)大幅提高),(我国)(生活垃圾)产生量(迅速)增长//,(环境)隐患(日益)突出//,已经成为(新型)(城镇化发展的)(制约)因素。
汉译英时“范围词”不用刻意翻译,比如“消费水平的提高”中的“水平”就不用翻level;再比如“红色”的“色”直接说red就好,不用非要说the color of red
Due to the economic and social development and the surge in material consumption, output of household waste in China is ramping up rapidly. Thus, environmental problems are becoming increasingly evident and inhibiting the development of the new urbanization.
2. 实施生活垃圾分类(garbage sorting),可以(有效)改善(城乡)环境//。促进(资源)回收利用,提高(城镇化)质量。
句子主干:实施生活垃圾分类可以改善环境=Implementing garbage sorting could improve the environment。
Implementing garbage sorting of household wastes could effectively improve the environment in both cities and countries, step up the recycling and reuse of resources and upgrade the quality of urbanization.
3. 垃圾分类是(处置垃圾的)(首要)环节,是(解决垃圾出路问题的)(一个)(重要)举措。
垃圾出路问题=垃圾处理问题(由于上文提到过所以这里可以直接用“相应的问题”,即corresponding problems)
Garbage sorting is the first and foremost step in the process of garbage disposal and a crucial solution to corresponding problems.
4. 垃圾分类是【(1按照垃圾的不同成分、利用价值以及对环境的影响),(2根据不同处置方式的要求),1分成若干种类//,2进行分类投放】,(并通过分类收集、分类运输、分类处理),实现(垃圾)减量化、资源化、无害化。
句子主干:垃圾分类是一个过程=Garbage sorting is a process;
Garbage sorting is a process by which waste is separated into different elements according to content, reuse value and environmental impact and then recycled or disposed of in line with difference requirements.
These elements will be collected, transported and processed separately to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill, increase the amount of waste that is recyclable, and ensure green waste disposal.
5. (首先),充分回收利用可回收物。(通过分类投放、分类收集),把有用物品,(如纸张、塑料、橡胶、玻璃等)(从垃圾中)分离出来利用。
句子主干:充分回收利用可回收物=垃圾分类有助于充分回收利用可回收物=garbage sorting helps take full use of recyclable materials.
句子主干:有用物品分离出来利用=useful items are separated from the garbage and then reused.
First, garbage sorting helps take full use of recyclable materials. Through separate disposal and collection of waste materials, useful items such as paper, plastic, rubber, glass, etc. are separated from the garbage and then reused.
6. (如)1吨废纸可再生新纸0.8吨,【相当于少砍伐(树龄为30年的)树木20棵】。
句子主干:废纸可再生新纸=waste paper can be recycled into new paper.
For instance, 1 ton of waste paper can be recycled into 0.8 tons of new paper, which can save 20 30-year-old trees.
7. (其次),减少(垃圾)(处理)量。【分类收集便于对不同垃圾进行分类处置】。
句子主干:减少量=[垃圾分类]减少量=it/waste sorting helps to reduce the amount.
Second, waste sorting helps to reduce the amount of waste that needs to be disposed of as separate collection facilitates separate disposal.
8. (例如)果皮转化为有机肥//,(其他)垃圾则进行卫生填埋或焚烧//,可减少填埋量,(从而节省宝贵的土地资源),(实现(社会效益和生态环境的)双赢)。
句子主干1:果皮转化为有机肥,垃圾进行卫生填埋或焚烧=fruit peels can be converted/transformed/changed into organic fertilizers, while garbage is either sent to sanitary landfills or burned.
句子主干2:减少填埋量=填埋量可被减少=landfill can be reduced.
参考译文1: For example, fruit peels can be transformed into organic fertilizers, while other garbage is either sent to sanitary landfills or incinerated. This can reduce the amount of waste that needs to be buried, thus saving valuable land resources and achieving a win-win situation for social benefits and the ecological environment.
9. (再者),【如果我们不对生活垃圾进行分类】,将增加(后续处理)难度,可造成(对空气、水质、土壤的)污染,【危害人体健康,损害环境】。
句子主干:将增加难度,可造成污染=[它]将增加难度,可造成污染=it will increase the difficulty and cause pollution.
当然,这里对缺少主语的处理也可以借用there be句型=there will be an increase in the difficulty of subsequent processing and pollution to the air, water, and soil.
参考译文:In addition, if we don't sort household garbage, there will be an increase in the difficulty of subsequent waste disposal and pollution to the air, water, and soil, which can harm human health and damage the environment.
10. (总之),垃圾分类既能提高(垃圾)利用水平,又能减少(垃圾处理)量//,达到(回收可用资源,降低处置成本,减少土地消耗的)目标,实现(社会、经济、生态三方面的)效益。
句子主干1:垃圾分类既能提高利用,又能减少量=garbage sorting can not only improve the reuse, but also reduce the amount.
句子主干2:达到目标,实现效益=...achieve the goal, ultimately leading to benefits
In short, garbage sorting can not only improve the reuse of waste, but also reduce the amount of waste that needs to be disposed of. This helps achieve the goal of recycling waste, while reducing disposal costs and land consumption, ultimately leading to social, economic, and ecological benefits.